Publication Type: | Journal Article |
Year of Publication: | 1977 |
Authors: | J. Klimesch |
Journal: | Vieraea |
Volume: | 6 |
Pagination: | 191-218 |
Date Published: | 1977-01 |
Keywords: | Acalyptris, Canary islands, Ectoedemia jubae, Ectoedemia nigrifasciata, Ectoedemia variicapitella, Fomoria, Fomoria jubae, Fomoria nigrifasciata, Fomoria variicapitella, glaucolepis, Glaucolepis micromeriae, Glaucolepis salicinae, Glaucolepis sanctaecrucis, Lepidoptera, Levarchama, Levarchama ridiculosa, Nepticulidae, Stigmella, Stigmella anomalella, Stigmella centifoliella, Stigmella crenulatae, Trifurcula micromeriae, Trifurcula ridiculosa, Trifurcula salicinae, Trifurcula sanctaecrucis |
Abstract: | In the present paper the author is starting a contribution to the Fauna of Microlepidoptera of the Canary Islands with the families Nepticulidae and Tischeriidae giving taxonomic, ecological and morphological data on some newor little known species. This material was collected during several journeys of 1965 - 1975. |
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Home » Literature » Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Microlepidopteren-Fauna des Kanarischen Archipels. 1. Beitrag: Nepticulidae, Tischeriidae
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