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Ectoedemia gilvipennella (Klimesch, 1948) van Nieukerken, 1985
Ectoedemia gilvipennella
Diagnostic description:Diagnosis: the only predominantly white Ectoedemia, further characterised in the male by the prominent fuscous or black hair-pencil. The other uniformly coloured Ectoedemia species are darker and often larger. Without examining genitalia or venation, females could be mistaken for Trifurcula or Acalyptris species. Male genitalia very similar to those of quinquella, but separated by dorsal lobe of valva.
Male. Forewing length 2.08— 2.48 mm (2.32 ± 0.13, 12), wingspan 4.9—5.4 mm. Head: frontal tuft yellowish, mixed with fuscous, especially on vertex; collar yellowish white. Antennae with 28 — 34 segments (30.8 ± 1.5, 11). Thorax and forewings predominantly white, irrorate with dark brown tipped scales, no distinct colour-pattern. Hindwing with fuscous to black hair-pencil of ⅕ hindwing length, not surrounded by special scales.
Female. Forewing length 1.96 — 2.36 mm (2.21 ± 0.13, 13), wingspan 4.4—5.2 mm. Antennal segments (17)23—24 (23.4 ± 0.5, 10).
Male genitalia. Capsule length 210—240 µm (219.4 ± 11.9, 5). Tegumen rounded. Gnathos with central element divided, distal part spatulate, basal part with serrate margin. Valva length 171 — 193 µm (177 ± 8.9, 5), inner margin concave, outer margin dorsally folded back, forming an inwardly projecting lobe, covering several setae, tip pointed. Aedeagus 244 — 257 µm (248.6 ± 6.1, 4), carinae pointed, single.
Female genitalia. T7 with a row of 8 long setae along anterior margin of T8; T8 with 8 setae, no scales. Anal papillae with 11 — 13 setae. Vestibulum with vaginal sclerite, a dorsal spiculate pouch, and a group of densely packed pectinations near entrance of ductus spermathecae. Corpus bursae 500 µm, without pectinations; signa dissimilar, longest 347 µm (1), shortest 330 µm (1), 3.9 X as long as wide. Ductus spermathecae with 3 convolutions.
Larva. Bright emerald green, with light yellow head-capsule. Ganglia invisible, ventral plates absent.Associations:Hostplant: Quercus cerris. Mine. Egg on leaf upperside, often on or near vein. Early mine: narrow contorted gallery with broken brown frass, later becoming wide and more contorted gallery filled with brown dispersed frass.
Life cycle:Univoltine, larvae very late in the season, mid October to late November, adults fly in June.
This taxonomic description is based on Van Nieukerken (1985) and Van Nieukerken et al (2010)