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Home » Nepticuloidea » Nepticuloidea » Nepticulidae » Stigmella » Core Stigmella » Stigmella ruficapitella group - s.l. » Stigmella ruficapitella group - s.s. » Stigmella omelkoi - Puplesis, 1984
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Stigmella omelkoi Puplesis, 1984
Authors | Title | Year of Publication |
A. Rociene; J.R. Stonis | Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera) of East Asia (2). Study of a collection sample deposited at the Russian Academy of Sciences, with descriptions of new species and a checklist | 2013 |
J.R. Stonis; A. Rociene | Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera) of East Asia (1). Re-examination of the male genitalia of types deposited at the Russian Academy of Sciences | 2013 |
N. Hirano | Nepticulidae モグリチビガ科 | 2013 |
E.J. van Nieukerken; Y. Liu | Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera) in China, 1. Introduction and Stigmella Schrank feeding on Fagaceae | 2000 |
R.K. Puplesis | Contribution to the classification of the palaearctic Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera). | 1985 |
T.C.M. Kemperman; C. Wilkinson; H. Kuroko; T. Kumata | Japanese species of the genus Stigmella (Nepticulidae: Lepidoptera) | 1985 |
R.K. Puplesis | K sisteme molej-malyutok (Lepidoptera, Nepticulidae) palearkticeskoj fauny. (To the classification of nepticulids (Lepidoptera, Nepticulidae) of the Palaearctic fauna) | 1984 |