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Home » Acalyptris
Recent Publications
- Biology of Pseudopostega species in Europe (Lepidoptera: Opostegidae). In J. van der Linden, Some endophagous insects from the Upper Midwest, USA.
- Ciclo estacional de un minador subcortical de coigue (Nothofagus dombeyi) [Seasonal cycle of a coigüe (Nothofagus dombeyi) subcortical leafminer]
- Notes on the oviposition sites and larval mines of Opostegoides minodensis (Kuroko), a cambium-miner of Japanese White Birch.
- The Nepticulidae and Opostegidae (Lepidoptera) of North West Europe
- Introduction to the Nepticulidae
- Stigmella aurella (F.) and Stigmella splendidissimella (H.S.) (Lep., Nepticulidae) - a method of distinguishing mines on Rubus
Imaging technique:
FIGURES 72–83. Acalyptris species, male genitalia, capsules (72, 74, 76, 79) and aedeagus in ventral (73, 75, 77 80, 82) and lateral view (78, 81, 83). 72, 73, A. minimella, slide 1433, Corsica, Porticcio; 74, 75, A. pistaciae, slide 1268, Cyprus, Limassol, paratype; 76–78, A. limoniastri, slide BM22616, Algeria, Hammam-es-Salahin and BM 22613 (77), Biskra, paratypes; 79–81, A. staticis, slide 1430, Canary islands, Tenerife, Puerto de la Cruz; 82, 83, A .lesbia, Greece, Lesvos, slide 3625, holotype and slide3552, paratype.