Publication Type: | Journal Article |
Year of Publication: | 1981 |
Authors: | B. Gustafsson |
Journal: | Entomologica Scandinavica |
Volume: | 12 |
Pagination: | 453-469 |
Date Published: | 1981-12-15 |
Keywords: | Acalyptris pistaciae, Cyprus, Ectoedemia alnifoliae, Ectoedemia erythrogenella, Glaucolepis rosmarinella, lectotype designation, Lepidoptera, Nepticulidae, New species, Stigmella auromarginella, Stigmella azaroli, Stigmella pyrellicola, Stigmella pyrivora, Stigmella rhamnella, Stigmella rhamnophila |
Abstract: | Descriptions or redescriptions of adults and immature stages of the following Nepticulidae are presented: Stigmella pyrivora n.sp., S. auromargiinella (Richardson, 1890), S. pyrellicola (Klimesch), S. cf. rhamnella (Herrich-Schäffer), Trifurcula erythrogenella de Joannis, and T. minimella Rebel. In addition, descriptions of male adults of Stigmella pyrellicola (Klimesch), a Trifurcula sp. and redescriptions of adults of T. rosmarinella (Chrétien) are given. |
URL: | file:///C:/EndnotePapers/Gustafsson1981EntScandCyprus.pdf |
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Home » Literature » Revision of New leaf-mining moths of the family Nepticulidae from Cyprus, Greece (Lepidoptera) from Sat, 2011-01-08 22:50
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