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Home » Nepticuloidea » Nepticuloidea » Nepticulidae » Stigmella » Core Stigmella - van Nieukerken et al., 2016
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Core Stigmella van Nieukerken et al., 2016
Family: NepticulidaeGenus: Stigmella
Core Stigmella van Nieukerken et al., 2016
Nomenclatorial Notes:
The genus Stigmella is divided into two large clades (Doorenweerd et al. 2016a) that are termed respectively “core Stigmella” for the clade containing the type species of both Stigmella and Nepticula (S. anomalella and S. aurella) and non-core Stigmella for the other clade (containing the type species of Astigmella: S. naturnella). We refrain from recognising different genera, since recognising these clades morphologically is not always possible.