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Home » Nepticuloidea » Nepticuloidea » Nepticulidae » Bohemannia » Bohemannia quadrimaculella - (Boheman, 1853) Stainton, 1859
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Bohemannia quadrimaculella (Boheman, 1853) Stainton, 1859
Family: NepticulidaeGenus: Bohemannia
Bohemannia quadrimaculella (Boheman, 1853) Stainton, 1859
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Nomenclatorial Notes:
The publication year has often been cited incorrectly as 1851. Boheman's paper was published in 1853, but the year 1851 appears in the title (as collecting year). The volume of the journal is that of 1852.
Type information:
Syntypes , Sweden, Kullen
Type depository:
Depository unknown
Synonyms: 4