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Stigmella ulmivora (Fologne, 1860) Beirne, 1945
Unranked: Non-core StigmellaUnranked: Stigmella ulmivora group
Stigmella ulmivora (Fologne, 1860) Beirne, 1945
Reference combination:
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Nomenclatorial Notes:
Hofmann (1858) named a species Nepticula ulmella HS. from Regensburg. This name should be regarded as an unavailable name (nomen nudum), since there is no description nor indication. This name is also a nomen oblitum, never cited again until Segerer (1997) synonymised it with S. ulmivora. Thus no further action needs to be taken to reverse precedence to avoid rejecting the junior synonym S. ulmivora or junior homonym Nepticula ulmella Braun, 1917 (now Ectoedemia ulmella). (from van Nieukerken et al. 2016)
Type information:
Syntypes male, Belgium: Bruxelles region, green larvae on Ulmus, Fologne
Type depository:
Depository unknown
Synonyms: 7