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Anonymous (not verified)054 years 7 months ago
BiblioEarly leaf abscission has little effect on larval mortality of Ectoedemia cerviparadisicola (Lepidoptera, Nepticulidae) associated with Quercus gilva Erik van Nieukerken011 years 12 months ago
BiblioOrder Lepidoptera, family Nepticulidae Erik van Nieukerken012 years 5 months ago
BiblioEctoedemia rosae, a new species from the French Alps and Norway (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae) Erik van Nieukerken012 years 7 months ago
BiblioA new species of the endemic Australian genus Roscidotoga Hoare from rainforests in southern Queensland (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae) Erik van Nieukerken012 years 7 months ago
Anonymous (not verified)054 years 7 months ago
Anonymous (not verified)054 years 7 months ago
BiblioSeven new species of the subgenus Glaucolepis Braun from southern Europe (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae, Trifurcula) Erik van Nieukerken012 years 7 months ago
BiblioBeitrag zur Kenntnis der Nepticulidenfauna Griechenlands (Lepidoptera, Nepticulidae) Erik van Nieukerken012 years 7 months ago
BiblioDrei neue Arten der Trifurcula pallidella-Gruppe aus Mitteleuropa (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae) Erik van Nieukerken012 years 7 months ago
Anonymous (not verified)054 years 7 months ago
Anonymous (not verified)054 years 7 months ago
Anonymous (not verified)054 years 7 months ago
BiblioParafomoria fumanae sp. n., a new stem miner on Fumana procumbens (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae) Erik van Nieukerken012 years 7 months ago
BiblioFour new Trifurcula species and additional faunal data on Nepticulidae from Italy (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae) Erik van Nieukerken012 years 7 months ago
Anonymous (not verified)054 years 7 months ago
BiblioThe Ectoedemia (Fomoria) weaveri-group of the southern Balkans with a description of two new species (Lepidoptera, Nepticulidae) Erik van Nieukerken012 years 7 months ago
BiblioZwei neue Globularia minierende Trifurcula-Arten (Lepidoptera, Nepticulidae) Erik van Nieukerken012 years 7 months ago
BiblioNepticulidae Mitteleuropas. Ein illustrierter Begleiter (Lepidoptera) Erik van Nieukerken012 years 7 months ago
BiblioAcalyptris pyrenaica sp. n. aus Spanien (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae) Erik van Nieukerken012 years 7 months ago
Anonymous (not verified)054 years 7 months ago
Anonymous (not verified)054 years 7 months ago
Anonymous (not verified)054 years 7 months ago
Anonymous (not verified)054 years 7 months ago
Anonymous (not verified)054 years 7 months ago


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