
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
E. Meyrick1917Descriptions of South African Micro-Lepidoptera.
E. Meyrick1916Exotic Microlepidoptera
E. Meyrick1916Exotic Microlepidoptera
E. Meyrick1916Descriptions of New Zealand Lepidoptera
E. Meyrick1915Exotic Microlepidoptera
E. Meyrick1915Descriptions of South American Micro-Lepidoptera
E. Meyrick1914Descriptions of South African Micro-Lepidoptera, 5
E. Meyrick1913Descriptions of South African Micro-Lepidoptera, 4
E. Meyrick1911Descriptions of Transvaal Micro-Lepidoptera, 2
E. Meyrick1911Descriptions of Indian Micro-Lepidoptera, 14
E. Meyrick1911Descriptions of South African Micro-Lepidoptera, 3
E. Meyrick1910Notes and descriptions of Indian Micro-Lepidoptera
E. Meyrick1907Descriptions of Indian Micro-Lepidoptera, 4
E. Meyrick1906Descriptions of Australian Tineina
E. Meyrick1906Descriptions of Indian Micro-Lepidoptera, 2
E. Meyrick1905Descriptions of Indian Micro-Lepidoptera, 1
E. Meyrick1895A handbook of British Lepidoptera
E. Meyrick1893Descriptions of Australian Microlepidoptera, XVI. Tineidae
E. Meyrick1889Descriptions of New Zealand Micro-Lepidoptera
E. Meyrick1880Descriptions of Australian Micro-Lepidoptera
E. Meyrick1877Larva of Nepticula quinquella
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P. Millière1876Catalogue raisonné des Lépidoptères des Alpes-Maritimes. Troisième et dernière partie.
P. Millière1886Catalogue raisonné des Lépidoptères des Alpes-Maritimes (2e supplément)
P. Millière1886Catalogue raisonné des Lépidoptères des Alpes-Maritimes (2e supplément)
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I. Nemeş1970Stigmella (Fomoria) niculescui nova species (Lep. Stigmellidae)
R. G. Martins-Neto1989Novos insetos terciários do estado de São Paulo
P. J. Newton, Wilkinson C.1982A taxonomic revision of the North American species of Stigmella (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae)
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E. S. Nielsen1985Primitive (non-ditrysian) Lepidoptera of the Andes: diversity, distribution, biology and phylogenetic relationships
E. S. Nielsen1996Nepticulidae
J. H. W. Baro Nolcken1871Lepidopterologische Fauna von Estland, Livland und Kurland. Zweite Abtheilung, Microlepidoptera, 2. Heft
M. Siła Nowicki1860Enumeratio Lepidopterorum Haliciae Orientalis
A. S. Packard1870New or little known injurious insects
U. Parenti1963Stigmella saturejae, nuova specie di microlepidottero, e la sua mina
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W. Petersen1930Nachträge zur Lepidopterenfauna von Estland, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Gattungen Lithocolletis und Nepticula.
A. Petry1904Nepticula thuringiaca n. sp.


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith